The Last Crusade
In a world overrun by demons, a single man with God's hand on his side decided that it was time to take back the holy land.
This game is not made with conventional game development software, such as Unity or Unreal. Instead, it is made with the source engine. The game uses the XBLAH development tool to speed up the process of packaging and repository making. This game is technically a mod for the game, Half-Life 2.
Game Details
As previously stated this game uses Half-life 2 as its base then modified into the game that is made on this portfolio. The game used the XBLAH modding tool. XBLAH is a source development tool that allows people to make games for source engine-based games. XBLAH allows the user to make a source-based mod/game without the hassle of setting up a repository. As well as reduce the error of wrong builds with the C++ setup.
With the tool, it has other software built into it. The main one used is Hammer ++. Hammer ++ is the level editor and map creator. It makes the .bsp files that hold the code for the game to run off of. It is like the level files in Unreal. But it is a source formatted file.
Currently the game that on this portfolio is made with the intention of it being a demo. Which means that the game is small compared to a full on source game.
Enemy Types
In this demo, the player will have to face off against three different enemy types. Each type will be a little different from the others. Each enemy type is described bellow.
Section I
Enemy Type I: Melee
This is the first enemy type that the player will face off against in the demo. This enemy is found in all three sections of the demo. However, the first section will have the most enemies.
This enemy type only can fight with melee attacks. It has no long-range attacks. It will have the same style as the fast zombies from Half-Life 2. The enemy will have a hoard mentality and attack the player all at once.
The second section of the demo is where the player will have to face off against long range attacked demons. This space has large raised platforms. The player will be able to access those areas to fight the demons of this section. These platforms will have few props that the player will be able to hide behind for cover when they are fighting against the demons. The cover will be on top of the platforms as well as on the ground.
The cover on the ground will be spread around the medium sized area of the map section. They will be spread around to provide a hard; yet a challenge that the player is still able to complete.
Section III
Section III
As previously stated, each map section has a size. The first being the largest. The second being a medium. This section, the third and final section. This one will be the smallest. The reason for this section being small is to provide the hardest challenge of the demo. The demo will have a final boss and they will be in this section.
This section will have three platforms that the player is not able to access these platforms. Since the platforms will only able to be accessed by the boss who teleports on them. There will be small holes from the sides of the map section where more enemies will spawn from.
This section of the demo is meant to be the hardest of the whole demo. This is to make the demo last a little longer. After killing the boss, the demo will end.
Enemy Type II: Long Range
The second enemy type that the player will face is the long-range enemy. This enemy type will be featured in the second and third sections. This enemy will be able to have only long-range attacks to fight the player.
This enemy type will have the base of either combine or elite combine from half-life 2. The enemy will be placed on the platforms that the player will be able to access. They will also be on the ground. They will act closer to the combines from half-life 2. This means that they will not have a hoard mentality. They will instead operate like a typical army.
Enemy Type III: Boss
The final enemy type is the boss. This enemy is the hardest to defeat. Hence why it is the boss, the boss will mainly be on the ground to fight the player. The boss will be able to teleport up to the platforms to dish out long-range attacks against the player. The boss will have both melee and long-range attacks.
The boss will be the main enemy type with exclusive programming to give it the ability of teleportation as well as its special attacks. The other ability that it has is to summon the other two enemy types.
As previously stated this game uses Half-life 2 as its base then modified into the game that is made on this portfolio. The game involves the player taking control of a templar knight who is on the last crusade to take back the city of Jerusalem from the demons that came out of a portal from hell during the first crusade. The story involves the player navigating a demon-controlled Jerusalem.
The map is broken up into three sections. Each one will contain a different enemy type. Enemy types are found in the enemy section of this page. The first area is a pit that the player starts in. This area is where the player finds the first enemy type. The second area is a larger space where the player will find the second enemy type. This space has perches and high points for enemies to shoot the player from. The third type is a smaller space. This space is designed to have close-quarters combat with the final boss in this area. The space will also have perches similar to the second space where the boss can teleport onto for the player to use long-range attacks.
Bellow is the sketches of the maps as well as pictures of the models.
Section II
Sketches Break Down
This section is the break down for each of the above sketches. Each sketch is a section of the map for the demo game, the last crusade. Each of the sketches are low in detail to allow for the freedom to add whatever is needed into them in the Hammer++ editor.
Section I
The first section is where the player will start off. In this section, the player will face the first enemy type. Enemy types are found in the enemy section of this page. The will have to face off the hoard of enemies that come out of the hole. The red arrow points at the hole. This hole is the exit of the first area and leads into the second.
This first section is the biggest in terms of space to move around. The space is flat with no props or scenic pieces on the ground where the player is able to move. The player will be able to move onto the next section after they take out the demons that come from the hole.
Section II