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Through my time at Purdue University. I have developed a number of games. This game was complete, as apart of a course at Purdue. The overall course was about audio. This course taught me how to make my own sound effects and voice lines, and how to implement those files into the Unreal Engine 5 development software.
The first thing that I did with this project was mark down the overall plot for the game. Which was, in short, a guy is simply leaving his apartment, but unfortunately for him there is something that is in his apartment; and it is looking for him.
The next thing that was done was writing down some voice lines. I completed around seven lines. I had my brother preform the lines to the best of his ability, due to the fact that he has years of acting experience. This allowed for him to preform the lines as close as he could to the vision that I had thought of for my game.
The final background sound related thing that I did was gather, record, and make the sound effects. I gathered the sound effects that I could not make or record myself. The sound effects were gathered from the sound effects plus website. This website was where I gathered the door sound effects and the clicking sound effects for the mechanical room. The other sound effects were recorded myself or made using effects from the two software known as Reaper and Audacity.
After the sound effects and lines were completed. I got to work on the sprite assets.
Man and his Cat
Above is the sprites that I make for the game. The left is the entity that the player has to avoid. The software that I used for both the player character, entity, and the cat was Piskel. In short, Piskel is a pixel art software that allows their users to create pixelized art. It also has the feature of allowing their users to create animations. This tool is relatively simple, but this is what I used to make sprites.
The first sprite that I made was the player. I made the playable character with the Piskel software. I then worked on the cat. These two sprites were easy to make, but I was thinking of making the entity in a different way. I did use the same software, in the end however, I made it with a different approach. Instead of drawing it in the software. I decided to rotoscope it to give the entity an unnatural feel.
The first thing I did with the entity sprite was act out the movement that I wanted for the entity. Then I imported around four frames. I used the Piskel software to rotoscope the pictures to make a quick walking animation.
That was the sprites that I made for this game. The next thing that I did in the development process was the programing area of the game.
This project was completed as apart of a course at Purdue University. The course was about the audio in video games and how to implement it into your projects. The course used the Unreal Engine 5 software, and that is what used to make this.
The game does indeed have audio. I did make some audio, but certain sound effects for the project was not made by me. The sound effects that were not made by me was the door, buzzing, and breaking of the light. But they were all editing in the software known as Audacity. That is a audio editing software. The other software that I used was Reaper, which is another sound editing software. However, it has plugins that allow for me to make some music. The music in the main menu of the game was made by me using that software. The final audio is the voice lines that were in the game. I wrote the lines, but I had my brother preform the lines.
I wanted to get someone other than myself to do the voice lines, since, I wanted to get very small taste in the realm of directing. Through an hour of so, I got the lines done. Most of the lines were used in the game. This short period helped me understand how to direct a voice acting session as well as the organization of voice lines.
Blueprint for Entity Patrol
Locker Hide
Every game requires programing, but not all games use the Unreal Engine 5. This game uses Unreal Engine 5. Each part of the programming for this game was made through blueprints and other Unreal Engine 5. I decided to make the game in Unreal Engine 5, because the course in which this game was completed. Used the Unreal Engine 5. The course was how to implement audio as well as use audio to better the games that are being made.
The overall code when well for this game. I made the entire AI controls and other elements that relate to the overall gameplay. For example, the blueprint above is the code for the patrol of the entity. This was the only issue that I had with my game. The issue was that once, I programmed the entity to walk back and fourth from two selected points that were placed in the map. He would walk until he sees the player. It was ok, except for when the player hides into the apartments that are spaced out through the halls of the apartment complex. The entity is still able to view the player.
AI Control Node Group
This was the issue that the game had, but I figured out how to fix it. The way that I fixed this was talk to the other students in the course. Also, talking to the professor and figuring it out through trial and error. Through all those things, I was able to fix the issue. To the left, is the group of nodes that I figured out that
needed to get added into the AI control. This fixed the issue that was previously discussed. It took time and patience to figure out the issue and resolve it.
Closing Thoughts
Even though this game was a small horror game. It still puts some important marks for programming.
Through this game I learned how to implement audio into a Unreal Engine 5 game.
This game has taught me how to make sprites that would then be placed into Unreal.
How to over come issue with my own programming through the networking of my fellow peers.
Below is the full game in a video format without commentary.