
Welcome to this page. On this page is the multimedia projects that I have worked on as apart of my time at college.

Project I: Product Review

This is the first project of the course that was completed. In this project, I was tasked with completing a product review for a software of my choosing. The project was a review of the software Arc-Soft Photo Studio. In short, the software is a photo editing software that was a competitor to Adobe Photoshop. The software allowed for their users to complete small tasks that they want to do. The larger tasks cannot be done in this software, due to the fact at the time photo editing was not widly used for digital drawing. At the current time, photo editing was just adding two pictures together. Arc-soft Photo Studio is a software that is perfect for myself as well as users who desire a simpler software. Below is a button that you can view the pdf of the full review as well as a demo video.

Project II: Just-in-Time

This project was a little different than the first project. In this project, I was tasked with completing a project that was to be finished in only a few weeks. This project was a instructional video about the Adobe Acrobat DC Pro software. In the video, I showed how to complete three things that can be completed in the software. The first is how to export a video to a different format. The second is how to merch multiple documents into a single file. The final thing that is in the video is how to edit a pdf directly inside of the software. Below is the instructional video.

Project III: Social Media Project

This project is the most different than the other projects above. In this project, I was tasked with completing a multimedia project that involved a social media website. So, I chose two. Me and another person decided to do a comparison between two social media accounts. The accounts in which we chose were YouTube and Instagram. I completed the YouTube side while my partner completed the Instagram side. We looked up different types of content for the accounts to post. We made a list of the most popular videos that we have found as well as a random video to act as a random variable in the project. The first videos that we posted were a intro video and gaming video. Then moving forward it was a how-to video, reaction video, unboxing video, documentary, product review, and the random video. For my random video, it was me replacing the mass airflow sensor on my 1994 Ford F-150. Each account published a ending video. This video would be the final analysis of the accounts that we have worked on as apart of the project. Below is that video as well as the logo for the channel that can be clicked on to view the account.

There was many things that I have learned as well as gathered from the projects above. The first of which was how to make better multimedia writing projects. At first multimedia was something that a person would do to present something through power point. Now, I know that it can be something that is different to that. It is now something that is a combination of that along with using videos, text, and other means of communication. All of which is to help give a message of a product or other discussion to an audience. Through the projects, I went to the work head on, I use this approach to get the work done in a timely manner to ensure that if there is something left over. I could go back to it and look at the overall design of the work with a magnifying glass to look for details that I may have gotten wrong or missed. The opportunities that I approached that I could potentially use the new skills that I gathered from these projects are improving the designs of something that I make, like a game, app, other media projects with a finer comb to them to help spot the flaws in them as well as improve on them the first time so that I would not have to go back to them. This comb allows for me to get a better understanding of an issue that I may need to face in the future. This could be something that has a poor design that I am tasked with completing. Or even something that I have to design. The issues are something that I will have to face in the long run. The most important thing that I have learn about the multimeida communication and writing is that the approach to each problem is different. This could be something from a simple paper to a full on video. The approach is something that can be different from one project to another, however, it can also make things fun.